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Sustainable Green Industrial Heat

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Industrial heat applications are a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, it is estimated (University of California, 2017) that as much as 18% of global emissions are directly linked to these applications, which in turn are contributing to global warming and climate change.


The use of fossil fuels for industrial processes results in air and water pollution, carbon emissions, and habitat destruction.


The globally patented 5th generation ASC CSP solution is a green and sustainable alternative that produces zero carbon emissions, uses comparably less water and land resources to other CSP/PV solutions, and can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of industrial processes. By adopting our CSP system, industries can roll-out a reliable, 24/7 solution, mitigate the environmental impacts of their operations and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change all whilst securing heat at a known cost for the next 30+ years against a backdrop of increasing fossil fuel prices and taxes.


Business sense and environmental sense, all in one package.

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